Top 10 Financial Blogs

Trader Mike
Trader Mike trading Diary
The Kirk Report
One pro's view of the stock market
Brett Steenbarger Weblog
In this weblog, I follow research and trading ideas designed to catch short-term moves in the S&P futures market.
Howard Lindzon
TRENDS - Find them, ride them and get off! Stocks, venture and civilization.
Taz Trader Blog
The Swing Trading Guide
Capital Markets & Social Equity
Exploiting the edge from historical market patterns
Tale of the Tape
This site is all about moolah, dinero, bread, cheese, cheddar, coin, loot, and bounty. In other words --- MONEY!!!
NYSE Scalper’s Tale
Currently scalp NYSE stocks (hold stocks anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes) and do not hold positions overnight.
Ticker Sense
Ticker Sense is a blog about everything financial by Birinyi Associates!
Ok, I can’t limit this to just ten; honorable mentions that I always visit each week (multiple times):
Yaser Anwar
Analyzing Investment Ideas that would Outperform the Market. My approach is to dissect Macro Economic Trends, Market Psychology alongside Fundamental & Technical Analysis that shape underlying values of investments from time to time.
Self Investors
Empowering the Self Investor - Growth Stock & Market analysis
Views from a distorted mind. Charts and more charts. Plus sporadic thoughts on the stock market, trading, politics, entertainment, sports, and everything else.
Ugly is doing what many traders would love to do - trade for a living. He trades with a proprietary trading firm (or “prop firm” for short). A prop firm gives you several times your money to trade and then you keep part of the profits.
Stocktickr is free "social investing" site and it's the easiest way to store a watchlist on the web.
Many more excellent blogs live on my blogroll, so take a look as a few of these may move into my top 10 in the future!
your check is in the mail!
thats why your blog is only worth $ link to me. lol
It better at least double when I get you up there! lol
thanks Chris!
one can only dream .. one day ... stocktickr is our ticket to ride! that guy had better not flame out.
Don't dream - you have excellent ideas and tools over at your site. I am slow to getting around to your offer. I aim to find the time this weekend! Money management - I need time management!
You forgot the blog that started it all,! Lol! I'll pay you to keep Ugly on your list.
Cool, thanks for the mention.
Since we may have a bidding war starting - I wonder how much I can make to keep Ugly on the list! I've met ugly in NY and he's a good guy so it will take a lot to remove him!
Chris, thanks for adding me to the list and making the bid high to knock me off. I'm not so sure about having howard on this list, but if you decide to make a list of the top ten stock market bloggers with man-boobs, he would make a good candidate.
Thanks Chris!
hey Chris, nice to know i have "a" loyal reader! big fan of your analysis as well.. keep them quality posts a comin!
I'll be clocking in on your Top 10 soon enough, with my brilliant short ideas, and blistering P/L gains on my shwing shwing daytrading setups! heh.
When you get a chance, drop by and visit my blog, Stock Picks Bob's Advice. I do not claim any special credentials to be writing, but have been writing extensively about different stocks since 2003.
Maybe I can make your "honorable mention" list :).
Financial blog aggregation is the main focus of Distilling Finance. You may find it useful - users vote on finance and economics articles collected from RSS feeds to rank them and find the best ones.
Thanks for such a list. If you get a chance please visit drop by my blog and suggest some improvements.
Thanks for pulling out this list. Helps to start exploring the financial blogs..
Hi Chris, Quick you are obviously the go-to guy for everything financial, I am trying to get some blog press for a financial critic and wondered if you could recommend some good blogs. Nomi Prins just launched her book, "It takes a Pillage: Behind the Bailouts, Bonuses, and Backroom Deals From Washington the Wall Street." Her book signing is coming up on October 28th at Book Soup in LA and I'd like to create some additional traffic. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Alana, The Bungalow PR
Good Stuff ! I really like your post and i definitely bookmark your post and will give links to my friends as we all are a great lovers of blogs and always ready to read interesting and informative blogs. So Thanks ! for sharing your post.
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